City description
Geographic placement:
Codlea is located in N-W of Țara Bârsei, at the base of Magura Codlei (1294 m), which is the symbol of the city and the highest point of Perșani Mountains. Seen from Brașov, Măgura apears as an elongated mountain formation orientated north-south, and viewed form Vulcan it has the shape of a pointy sharp cone, being covered by forest all the way to the top.
Belonging localities: Codlea
Population: 24.656 (data from 2011)
Main economic fields:
- tourism
- industry
- trade
- agriculture
- small industry
Touristic attractions:
- Black fortress ruins
- Fortified fortress
- Dumbrăviţa – Rotbav - Măgura Codlei - natural habitat
Holidays and traditions:
- Fairs - April 23rd and October 26th
- Codlea`s days June 16 - 18th