The project entitled “Improving the decision-making process and reducing the bureaucracy at the Brasov County Council level”, implemented by Brașov County Council in association with BRASOV AGENCY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (ADDJB) is funded from European Social Fund through Operational Program Administrative Capacity, component one, priority axes – Accessible and Transparent Public Administration and Legal system, operation Introducing Common Systems and Standards in Local Public Administration that Optimizes Processes oriented towards Recipients According to SCAP.
The project`s purpose is to enhance performance of public administration in Brașov County, in the field of strategic planning.
In order to reach this purpose, the project forsees revising activities regarding Brașov County`s development strategy, for creating instruments, means and standard procedures for substantiating decisions, for medium and long term strategic planning, as well as activities which contribute at reducing bureaucracy regarding exclusive services provided by the local public authority of Brașov County.
- A development strategy for Brașov County 2021-2030 linked with local and sector development strategic plans and a Measure Plan for implementing the Development Strategy for Brașov County, based on investment priority criteria. These documents are being elaborated by BRASOV AGENCY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
- A monitoring and evaluation methodology for implementing Brașov County`s development strategy togheter with the measure plan. These documents are being elaborated by BRASOV AGENCY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
- An Institutional Strategic Plan for Brașov County Council 2021-2030, approved by the Council`s plenary.
- An IT solution (web portal, electronic arhiving, documents workflow, virtual registry office, phizical documment arhive management) which will provide basic digital workflow inside Brașov County Council
- The present document archive, having operational value, being digitalized.
- Total budget for the project is 3.750.775,47 lei, of which 2.878.971,51 lei will be managed by the County Council and 871.803,96 lei by ADDJB.
Period of implementation: September 6th 2019 – March 5th 2022